Stop Snoring

Life Style Changes Can Be A Snoring Solution

Snoring Solution 1 : Allergy Alert!

Surprisingly, many people aren't entirely sure of what they're allergic to! It sounds strange, and yes, people are typically aware of the major things that they're allergic to, but the minor things - the things that promote congestion, runny eyes, and minor breathing difficulty - are often neglected. 

The idea here is carefully to monitor any adverse reactions that you might have to food, drink, or anything at all (including pets!).  So a snoring solution is to avoid the allergy trigger altogether.

So if, for example, you discover that an hour after you drink milk you feel stuffy, then watch out if you're a snorer!  Simply changing your diet around, or in this case choosing to avoid milk - or at least not drink it close to bedtime - could substantially improve your snoring problem. 

For people with some fruit allergies, vitamin C can be a significant irritant.  People should monitor their reactions when taking vitamin C in both supplement and direct form (through fruit or juice).  Other foods that can lead to excess snoring are noted below in the -Eating Right- section.

Snoring Solution 2 : Weight Loss

Excess weight can contribute to snoring, as excess skin in the neck area provides more flesh/tissue for air to vibrate against. 

In light of this, losing weight can not only lead to profound health improvement and lowering the risk of a dizzying array of problems (such as heart disease and stroke), but it can also lead to a snore-free life; a nice bonus indeed!

Snoring Solution 3: Eating Right

We've already noted that some foods can enhance congestion (which would possibly be:

dairy products
fried foods
frozen foods
some baked goods (e.g. pizza)

A snoring solution to is avoid these foods particularly at bedtime.

However, there are some foods that are purported to be good for snorers; which means, of course, that they can possibly help alleviate some degree of snoring; or perhaps wipe it out completely! (Hey, it's possible!).  These anti-snore-friendly foods (i.e. foods that tone the trachea) include:

- mustard greens
- pears
- thyme
- horseradish
- onions
- garlic
- leeks
- scallions
- lobster
- seaweed

- Healthy Living

Generally speaking, a healthy lifestyle is a snoring solution. Of course, there are exceptions, and many factors (such as hereditary, environment, and other health ailments) can lead to snoring despite an attempt to live and eat well. 

Mindful of this, the following healthy living suggestions could help alleviate or even cure some forms of snoring:

- avoiding alcohol (promotes too much relaxation of the trachea)
- avoiding sleeping pills (same as above)
- quitting smoking (can irritate the trachea and lead to congestion)
- avoiding caffeine and other diuretics (dehydration can lead to respiratory problems)

Of course, it's also important to note that there is (as yet) no magic food that is a complete snoring solution.  So beware of any advice, brands, or food products that promise an end to snoring!

Snoring Solution 4 : Exercise

Throat Exercises

Exercises that help strengthen and tone the muscles in the throat can help alleviate snoring and, in some cases, actually get rid of it altogether.  Exercise can be a complete snoring solution.

Here are three simple ways of improving throat strength/toning throat muscles:

Take a pencil and hold it between the teeth for up to 5 minutes.  The grip should be firm, but not painful at all.

Take your finger and gently press against your chin for a few minutes (no more than 3). 
Push your tongue against your lower row of teeth for about five minutes.
These exercises should be performed just before bedtime, and no strain should occur. nbsp; The goal is simply to retrain some of the throat muscles that have lost their tone through a variety of factors, including age itself.  Any or all of the above exercises should help tighten the neck muscles, and thus lead to less airway vibration (and consequent snoring).

However, some improvement in muscle tone should lead to an improvement in snoring; at least, perhaps, in the reduction of noise.  While this may not be the ideal solution, it can be a step in the right direction while you try to find a more complete snoring solution.
- Throat Muscle Toners

Throat muscle toners help strengthen the muscles in the throat, thus reducing some of the loose skin and hanging tissue that can lead to vibration, and hence, lead to snoring.

These throat muscle toners generally aim to achieve the following:

- restore throat muscle strength
- keep the air channel open
- allow the air to flow to the lungs without any obstruction

Muscle toners are, like most non-surgical devices, un-medicated, non-habit forming, and generally inexpensive.  Throat muscle toners come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and even colors to suit individual preferences and requirements. 

Snoring Solution 5: Sleeping Position and Sleep Factors

Snoring is widely considered a sleep disorder; both for the trouble that it (potentially) causes the snorer, and the trouble that (almost always!) causes those around the snorer.  Therefore, an effective target in the battle against snoring is sleep itself.

There are two areas that can be focused upon to potentially help prevent (or lessen) snoring: sleep position, and sleep factors. 

-Sleep Position

Many snorers have found surprising relief from simply putting something under their chin as they sleep; either their hand, or a pillow, or even a rolled up sock. 
This can help firm up the neck muscles; or at least, give the impression that this is happening.  The bottom line is that since there is less loose skin (and thus tissue) that can vibrate against air in the trachea, there is less snoring.

Putting a pillow beneath the small of the back, and thus propping up the abdomen, is both extremely comfortable, and also an effective remedy for some snorers.  This position helps open up the airway, and expand the lungs. 

For those snorers who snore predominantly through their mouth, it might be helpful to learn that sleeping on one's side helps keep the mouth closed.  However, many snorers actually snore out of both their mouth and nose, so this may not solve the problem.  It may, however, reduce it somewhat; which, at least in the big picture, is a positive step and short term snoring solution.

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